Blogs vs. Wikis

A blog is typically described as a regularly updated website or web page, usually ran by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or relaxed style while a wiki is described as a website that allows for collaborative editing of its content and configuration by its users. The biggest difference between blogs and wikis is that blogs are for people to read and comment on an individual’s post while a wiki allows people to modify posts and contribute. With the rise of technology, convergence is extremely important because it allows people will similar views to share ideas and discuss trending topics; it ultimately unites people and creates a sense of community.

Blogs can bring together a neighborhood and fight local problems in their area. In the article, “Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid”, Katherine Khatari, a resident of a neighborhood in Brooklyn, said, “People don’t like to fight alone. There’s strength in numbers, you know? There’s more of us than them” (Khatari). This shows how the blog used by people in their neighborhood brought everyone together to combat drugs in their neighborhood.

I am not too sure if this has already been done; however, I think a great idea for wikis is for people from a neighborhood to post on a website about different things visitors can do in their neighborhood. Essentially this wiki will be a place for people to go if they are in town for vacation and want to avoid the places most sites list such as touristy areas. In, “What Motivates Wikipedians?”, Oded Nov wrote, “Given that contributing content to Wikipedia enables participants to actively show their concern by sharing knowledge with others, it is expected that higher levels of the Values function among contributors will positively relate to the extent of contribution to Wikipedia” (Nov). This quote shows us that there are people out there that actually want to help others. With my idea, it will allow people residing in a particular neighborhood help visitors of their town to have a pleasant stay and it will also help reduce traffic at tourist attractions.


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